Thursday, March 11, 2010

Belly Dance Spring Fest 2010

Lovely dancers! Girls you were very beautiful on the stage at Thia's Belly Dance Spring Fest this year. Desert Gypsy's costumes were not the traditional ones you would normally see a Gypsy wear, but they seemed very appropriate for the dances. They were very glittery and flowed nicely which made the dances graceful. It made me want one for myself.

I was happy to see DGDC on stage because I wanted to see precise movements on the musics' accents, straight lines, synchronization and above all else...their smiles. There are a lot of Gypsies on that stage and it is an accomplishment to achieve all those qualities. It makes a huge difference when you have so many other belly dancers performing...DGDC stands out.

The lighting is never that great at Spring Fest, but these are the best photos I have. I hope to have a video to post in a few weeks from their next performance, but I hope you enjoy these.

1 comment:

GipsyLilya said...

New Gypsy site with lots of videos of Gypsy dances:


P.s.Nice pictures, girls :)